Tweet any suggestions to add to this list at @RickWormeli2, or email Rick at
For articles authored by Rick and more multimedia, check the links below.
Note: * indicates a website that requires a sign-in to gain access to the material (no cost necessary).
Assessments & Grading

Ken O'Connor, Lee Ann Jung and Douglas Reeves posit that a better grading system would produce grades that are FAST (fair, accurate, specific, timely).
Network website for Assessment FOR Learning, with blogs, forums, videos and hot topic articles on assessment practices. *
Tom Schimmer, one of the great thinkers for leaders and practitioners when it comes to standards or outcomes based assessment and grading, authors this blog.
Standards Based Grading and the Game of School: Craig Messerman at TEDxMCPSTeachers
How Do I explain Standards-Based Grading to Parents?
Shannon Shult—Standards-Based Grading
Standards-Referenced Grading
Des Moines Public Schools teachers speak of their experiences with standards-referenced grading.
Standards-Based Grading: Converting to Letter Grades
Matt Townsley describes three ways teachers can convert standards to letter grades.
Highlighting Mistakes—A Grading Strategy
By Jamalee Stone
Standards Based Grading—A Student's Perspective
By Matt McCullough
Standards Based Grading—A Teacher's Perspective
By Matt McCullough
Education Leadership

Larry Ferlazzo responds to a question on balancing district mandates and
student needs.
Debbie Silver: I Am a Teacher
Debbie Silver explaining why teachers should be proud to be TEACHERS!
Annual Conference for Middle Level Education: We Hold These Middle School Truths to Be Self-Evident...and Worth Fighting For
This rousing session, featuring education thought leader and passionate middle level education advocate, Rick Wormeli, will celebrate teaching and leading in our middle schools. You’ll attend a simulation of the Second Continental Congress—this time with a focus on middle school rather than the Declaration of Independence—as we celebrate the goals, energy, and successes of middle level educators. Rick will bring you style, flare, and excitement, and inspire and recharge you to stay committed to the important work you do.
Getting educational research right
By Dylan Wiliam

David Cutler interviews Rick Wormeli on doing what's fair in the differentiated classroom, hosting by Spin Education.
Can You Solve This?
Veritasium asks, "How do you investigate hypotheses? Do you seek to confirm your theory - looking for white swans? Or do you try to find black swans? I was startled at how hard it was for people to investigate number sets that didn't follow their hypotheses, even when their method wasn't getting them anywhere."
Getting Started on Differentiated Instruction
Carol Tomlinson provides an explanation on getting started with differentiate instruction.
Assessments, Grading and Mastery Learning: Healthy Practices for All Learners
Lee Ann Jung offers this half-hour differentiated assessment and
grading module.